Sunday, September 26, 2010

First Impressions - Halo Reach

Let me start off by saying that I'm not a Halo-haulic.  I haven't read any of the Halo books, I didn't buy the Halo comic book, I haven't signed up for Halo Waypoint, and I don't ask my wife to dress up like Cortana in the bedroom (although that may not be a horrible idea).  Have I enjoyed the Halo franchise?  Sure, I loved Halo 2, but was so disappointed by Halo 3 that I didn't pick up ODST and was on the fence about Reach.  I've played through two thirds of the campaign and have sunk about 8 hours into multi player and I can say that, without a doubt, Halo Reach is the best game in the series.

Lets start with the campaign.  Maybe I've been spoiled recently by playing Alan Wake, StarCraft 2, and Mass Effect 2, but the campaign seems ho-hum.  It's better than Halo 3's campaign, but that isn't saying much.  I don't want to spoil the story, but I feel like I've played all of this before. I've heard that the story improves towards the end and I'm sure it would be a better experience if I was playing on a harder difficulty setting.

- As with all past Halo games, the gameplay is spot-on
- Smart enemy AI
- Very good presentation
- Addition of earning credits that allow you to upgrade armor is a welcome addition
- Story seems to get better as the campaign progresses

- Battles seem small in scale
- Cut scenes and voice acting is not on par with some of the other high-profile games

Now on to the multi player.  I was pretty excited to try mean, Firefight.  For the most part, I think it's overrated.  This game type is more suited for a smaller arena and slower gameplay, a la Gears of War's Horde.  It just feels all to similar to battles in the campaign.  I really started enjoying myself once I got a few buddies online and we played Team Slayer.  I'm not sure that any game (and this includes you CoD) can hang with Halo online.  The sheer number of game types, map variety, and "oh shit" moments keep me coming back for more.

- Matchmaking system if fast
- Maps, new and old, are great
- Armor abilities introduce an entirely new (good) dynamic

- Maps tend to take a while to load
- The maps that are includes are great, but why so few?

Overall I'm loving Halo Reach.  Check back soon for my "Second Impressions".


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